The Emerald Men

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The Emerald Men
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In The Emerald Men, Dana Pavalek would be hard pressed to tell a zinnia from an aster.  When she relocates from New York City upstate to Albany, she buys a house with the landscaping well established and is content to leave things as they are.


She would also like to leave her turbulent family history behind her, but when her younger brother, Devon, is murdered that becomes impossible.  It grows more and more apparent that he had acquired something of great value and that people who really want it suspect she knows where it is.  Since she doesn't, she must first figure out what this treasure - The Emerald Men - is, then where Devon hid them, then how to retrieve them and return them to their rightful owner.  This quest leads to an unwelcome venture into Florida's mangrove islands and the unhappy realization that the only person she can trust in the retrieval effort is herself.
